“Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go and then do it.” ―Ann Landers
Our Souls are here on this Earth to grow and to learn. As we go through our lives, we are given opportunities to gain perspective of our path and lighten our vibration. When we are willing to peel back the layers of our fear to look honestly at the attachments we have created and as well as those we allow, we can learn to master the ability to surrender and let go of what is not serving our highest good. Doing so allows us to transform our lives and be free to manifest and create from a place of total authenticity.
Surrendering, letting go and chord cutting are imperative to our growth and in uncovering our true path to our life purpose.
This 3-week-class series, led by teacher Bobby Sullivan, will help us uncover the roots of unhealthy attachments by discovering our fears that keep us stuck.
We will discuss how to forge a path of freedom by developing the skill set of Surrender, Letting Go and Cutting Chords with the things that are holding us back.
This practice can be learned and is an essential tool for creating movement and presence in our lives. Included in the course are downloadable worksheets and 3 guided meditations to engage with in between classes.
Classes are available on-demand. and can be viewed at your leisure. At the end of each week, Bobby will hold a live question and answer session which can also be viewed on-demand. Classes can be viewed as many times as you wish while it is being hosted.
In this 3-week-course we will discuss:
- What healthy and unhealthy attachments look like
- How attachments show up, and connect to us energetically, and why we allow it
- Recognizing how and why we can attach to others
- How Karma and Soul Contracts can play into our attachments
- Understanding the difference between love and an unhealthy attachment
- How to identify the fears that keep us attached
- How to recognize when it’s time to release a habit, a relationship or a job that no longer serves us *How forgiveness plays into all this
- Techniques to help us surrender, let go and cut those chords
- How death is the ultimate lesson of Letting Go
And much more…
Sign up now for this LIFE CHANGING COURSE and start your Journey into exploring the great wide open within yourself!
Don’t hesitate…It is time for you to release what’s holding you back…
Participants will also have free access to guided meditations on Surrendering, Letting Go and Cutting the Chords.
COURSE REGISTRATION: Note that this course is Online and can be viewed at your leisure. Course will remain available to view for 6 months. There are also downloadable worksheets and meditations with the course.