Are you feeling stuck in life?
The energy of the World is shifting, life is getting faster and yet it seems hard for many of us to create movement; like a deer caught in the high beams. If this sounds familiar,
Most of my work for the last 20 years as a healer, coach, and Intuitive has been to help people create flow…to release the things that are keeping them stuck so they can get themselves down the road and aligned with their Soul’s Purpose.
This Free Class I am offering on ‘Getting Unstuck’ is an overview of how we get our lives in gear and become unstuck. We will look at how we have created loop tapes in our minds that keep us in the up-stream eddy of insecurity and limiting beliefs. We will examine how Karma and Soul lessons can play into our repeating patterns in relationships and our personal beliefs. We’ll discover that getting unstuck is not as hard as it may seem…it’s about doing the right work to gain perspective of our current situations so we can SURRENDER, LET GO and CUT THE CHORDS that hold us back, allowing us to move forward.